New South Wales: Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program

The below information is all sourced from: please click the link for up-to-date information. We are purely repurposing to raise additional awareness for the Government Grant.

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Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program

The Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program is aimed at improving availability and access to Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in community sporting and recreational facilities, for use in emergencies involving cardiac arrest.

An AED is a device that is used in conjunction with Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and delivers a controlled shock to an individual experiencing cardiac arrest, increasing their chances of survival.

About the program

The NSW Government is allocating $2 million over four years, 2022-26 to assist sporting clubs across NSW in the purchase and maintenance of AEDs.

Applicants can request grants for multiple AEDs in a single application to a maximum of three devices, but the maximum grant for each AED cannot exceed $3,000.

Each organisation is limited to one application per financial year.

Important dates

  • Program opens: Tuesday 29 November 2022
  • Program closes: 1:00pm, Friday 10 February 2023

Assessment of applications will occur at intervals over this period, and applicants will be advised of their outcomes as they are processed.

Key objectives

The Local Sports Defibrillator Grant Program is aligned with the Office of Sport Strategic Plan, particularly in the following objectives:

  • Increase the capability of the sector to create fair, safe and inclusive environments for everyone, including children
  • Increase regular and on-going participation in sport
  • Assist sport clubs to provide quality service to their members and meet community needs.

Funding availability

Grants are available up to $3000 per AED package, and eligible organisations can apply for up to three packages to a total maximum value of $9000.

Eligible Applicants

To be eligible for a grant an applicant will need to be one of the following:

  • Incorporated, not-for-profit sports and recreational clubs or other incorporated organisations in NSW that are sport or recreation related
  • State or national sporting organisations on behalf of member clubs located in NSW
  • Licensed sporting clubs, providing that the project directly benefits sporting activities
  • Sporting clubs associated with a school, church or university providing they are an incorporated not for profit club in their own right
  • Councils, and sport and recreational facilities owners on behalf of sport and recreational clubs
  • Service clubs such as Rotary, CWA and Lions, on behalf of sports clubs.

Ineligible applicants

Ineligible applicants are any organisation types not listed as ‘Eligible Applicants’ above, and include, but are not limited to:

  • Individuals
  • Parents and Citizens (P&C) Associations
  • For-profit, commercial organisations
  • Government departments and agencies

An eligible organisation will be deemed not eligible for funding under this program if they are an organisation named:

  1. by the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse on its list of institutions that have not joined or signified their intent not to join the Scheme; or
  2. in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that has not yet joined the National Redress Scheme.

Application process

Step 1: Check your eligibility

  • Before you apply, please read these guidelines to make sure you understand all relevant requirements, including whether you are eligible to apply.
  • You can find the relevant information on the Office of Sport’s website:
  • Projects must be submitted through the SmartyGrants website to be considered eligible.

Step 2: Prepare your application

  • Applying for the Local Sport Grant Program is a simple process using the SmartyGrants website
  • The Office of Sport recommends that applicants familiarise themselves with the online application form ahead of preparing the application and plan ahead of the closing date.
  • You can download a copy of the application form prior to commencing your application.

Step 3: Submit your application

  • Complete the application by filling in each of the sections including required documentation.
  • Submit the application by 1:00pm on Friday 10 February 2023.
  • Successful submissions will be issued with a SmartyGrants system generated acknowledgement email containing a PDF copy of the application which will confirm the time the application was submitted.

Supporting documents

Apply now

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About Us

Operating in Australia since 1999, Cardiac Defibrillators extends lives by supplying the public and healthcare professionals with life-saving automated external defibrillators (AEDs).

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